Everything worked out wonderfully: starting with the planing (moving boxes, transportation needs), through the disassembly and reassembly of the partially very special furniture, up to the disposal of everything we didn't need anymore.The staff is very friendly and competent, you can feel the team spirit and they are very fast.

Dittmar Schlieper
Private Moving

Your team wasn't just a relocation helper, they also made us feel like they were sharing the same enthusiasm as we did for our change of residence. They worked almost without any breaks, they were very nice, helpful and could give us a lot of useful ideas, based on their experience.

Sabina Whiteus

Private Moving

The company is as professional as I remember it from our last contracting from fifteen years ago. They started in the morning on time with a big friendly and motivated staff and with technical tools.
We had planned two days for the current office relocation. The staff already finished everything in the afternoon of the first moving day.

Oliver Jurzitza

Business Moving